Exams and Gradings
Exams and Gradings
We have regular exam days for our students to take their ISTD Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Disco Freestyle, Street Dance and Rock n Roll examinations. The graded examinations are Ofqual regulated, and can earn students UCAS points.
Our Musical Theatre students have the opportunity to enter examinations with LAMDA, these too are Ofqual regulated and can gain students additional UCAS points.
The Allstar Cheer and Acro Squads have regular gradings that are in line with British Gymnastics, BGU and ADTA.
All exams are optional, but encouraged as they not only help to raise the standard of the dancers, it also give the classes more focus, encourages technique and gives the pupils a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Members - Log in to your portal for more information on dates and times for this years exams.

Festivals and Competitions
Festivals and Competitions
We attend at least three performing arts festivals a year, where our students who attend classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Acro and Musical Theatre can compete as a soloist, or in a duet, trio, quartet or group.
We also attend at least three ISTD DFR competitions, where our students compete in regional heats to try to make it to Nationals! The competitions include a Set Line Dance, Rock n Roll Pairs, Freestyle Solo, Freestyle Pairs and Team.
We love our competition days, our competitors improve very quickly through the competition programmes. They're also days where we all bond, have fun as a team, and make life long memories.