Term Dates and Fees
Term Dates
September 2024 - July 2025
Monday 9th September - Sunday 8th December
(No classes 28th Oct - 3rd Nov)
Monday 6th January - Friday 4th April
(No classes 17th - 21st February)
Tuesday 22nd April - Monday 14th July
(No classes 26th May - 1st June)
Enrolment to Suffolk All Stars is TERMLY - we do not enrol for half a term/weekly.
Once you join a class, you are enrolled for the rest of that term, and the full term fees are due either in one payment, or in monthly instalments as listed below. If you join mid-term your first month will be pro-rata so that you only pay from your enrolment.
Membership is a rolling contract, rolling each term. If you no longer wish to attend your classes please let us know before the beginning of the new term to avoid being over charged. As per our T&Cs all fees are nn-refundable and non-transferable.
Autumn Term:
Termly Fees due: 1st September - monthly instalments will be debited on the 1st of Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec
Spring Term:
Termly Fees due: 1st January - monthly instalments will be debited on the 1st of Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr
Summer Term:
Termly Fees due: 1st May - monthly instalments will be debited on the 1st of May/Jun/Jul/Aug